Schemes of Studies

New Scheme of Studies

Equal to F.Sc Medical Technology Group

The following courses are not Equal to F.Sc (Study Core Course in 1st Year as Common Course)

After introduction of the new service structure for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) in 2012, the qualification requirement for entry in service has been changed to a diploma of two years’ duration. The evolving health needs of the community, exponential advances in medical and allied technologies and changes in health services provision, functions and structure also demand continual and responsive changes in education and training programs meant for AHPs. Thus PMF has the two years’ program of New Scheme which would be divided in three distinct parts (Papers). The ‘Core Course’ would be common for all technologies.

Old Scheme of Studies

The following two courses from the previous scheme will not be discontinued:

  • Dental Technician (two years duration)



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